Tuesday 27 March 2007

#13 Garden hunters

Wolf Spiders are large, hairy, wandering hunters, and therefore have a bit of a reputation as scary beasties of the garden. But like most spiders, they are rarely aggressive unless provoked or threatened, and I am usually pleased to encounter them around my yard. How could you not love a bright-eyed face like this.....

Ms Wolfie having an early morning shower

The Garden (or Australian) Wolf Spider, Lycosa godeffroyi, from family Lycosidae, is one of the most common Australian species of wolf spider. According to the CSIRO, its distribution includes southern and eastern mainland Australia, and is found in suburban gardens and lawns, paddocks and open grassland.

Habits of the Garden Wolf Spider

I am fortunate to have been able to observe these interesting spiders in my backyard. A mature female can have a body length (excluding legs) of close to 30mm, with the male smaller, but not excessively smaller like many other common spider species.

A large mature female wandering at night

Notice the stance of the spider in the image above, with body held above the ground. This is the usual position of a spider waiting for prey to venture within pouncing distance. If the spider is disturbed by moving objects larger than prey-size, it will spread its legs, drop its body onto the ground and remain motionless.

Also notice in the photo above, the long narrow leg-like palps (feelers) tucked under the front of the spider. The narrowness of the palps indicates that the spider is a female. A male's palps will have a bulb-like knob on the end.

A female Wolf Spider at her burrow entrance

A female will excavate a vertical burrow in the ground up to 20mm wide. According to studies (not my studies, as I do not interfere with the spiders), the burrow is 100 to 150mm deep with a horizontal tunnel leading off the base of the burrow. The total absence of scattered earth from the excavation process intrigues me.

The burrow is often lined with fine silk, and although the Garden Wolf Spider does not construct a lid for its burrow, the entrance is sometimes covered with a fine silk layer (see image below). However, a burrow is not always constructed, with spiders utilising abandoned spider or insect burrows, or sheltering under stationary objects.

A silk-covered burrow, with hind leg of Wolf Spider cradling her egg sac

A female Garden Wolf Spider has strong maternal instincts, investing an unusual amount of energy in protecting the egg sac and giving her young a good start in life.


The male is attracted to the female scent and will perform courtship rituals outside the female's burrow at night. I have not witnessed this display.

Following mating, the female will construct a papery silk ball-shaped receptacle 8 to 10mm diameter to hold her eggs. She will then cart her pale blue or white egg sac with her, attached to spinnerets (silk spinning organs).

The female carries her egg sac. Notice the visible 'seam' of the paper-like silk egg sac.

After 2 or 3 weeks the spiderlings will be developed and the female will rip open her egg sac. The spiderlings will immediately climb onto the abdomen of their mother and cling to her, sometimes several deep, on her usual hunting activities. During this time, the hatchlings will not eat, but may drink from morning dew. Following their first moult at a few days of age, the spiderlings will disperse by ballooning away on silk threads, or by wandering off.

Wolfie mum and kids in my garden

During summer I often wandered my backyard at night by torchlight hoping to observe this spectacle, without success. However, I encountered this dedicated mother as I pulled a clump of milk thistle from my garden. A truly amazing sight! Notice the spiderlings even clinging to the underside of the abdomen below the back leg.


Garden Wolf Spiders are mainly, but not strictly, nocturnal hunters, preying on insects and invertebrates. They have excellent eyesight, are lightning fast, agile and strong. I have also observed them jumping a distance of about 20cm and springing from the ground onto vertical surfaces pursuing prey. They are, indeed, impressive hunters.

A well-camouflaged Garden Wolf Spider

If a Wolf Spider is caught out of its burrow or shelter during daylight, it is a master of disguise. In the photograph above, you will notice the spider has positioned its hind legs over its abdomen to break up its round body shape, virtually disappearing into the grass.

If caught out on an exposed surface like concrete (as in the picture below), they will often assume the curled-up position of a dead spider. This spider sprung to life when tickled with a piece of grass.

Although they are strong, formidable hunters, the Garden Wolf Spider is no match for the strength of Redback Spider silk

Garden Wolf Spiders do not always wander off to hunt, but often lurk in the darkness of their burrow entrance awaiting prey to venture within striking range. I watched this Wolfie spring from the cover of a ground-hugging plant to grab a hapless spider.

Wolfie eats spider

I'm sure, now, you will agree that the common Garden Wolf Spider is a fascinating and impressive backyard animal. They rarely enter homes, and are rarely agressive. If approached slowly and with care and consideration, they can be observed at length. And what a fabulous observation subject they make!


  1. Gaye, my dear, this item is a truly formidable tour de force. Your nature weblog is getting better and better.

    You are going ahead in leaps and bounds - just like a wolf spider!

  2. Thank you elfram. Sharing my respect and enthusiasm for nature is a worthwhile pursuit, and I am learning much in the process.


  3. Spiders don't bother me, but the more I scrolled and the more I saw.....

    The more I shivered and the more I enjoyed these photos.

    Just amazing how some of them you found, outside in their nesting areas:)

  4. hi Lucky-1,

    I'm pleased you enjoyed my Wolf Spiders. Yes, I have found quite a few out of their burrows, mostly at first light and after dark. I also find many immature Wolfies when I am gardening. The immature spiders do not appear to dig burrows.


  5. Hi Gaye,
    I was just scanning through some back issues of your blog (as well as other nature blogs) and found this on the Wolf Spider. They are amazing creatures and they have a strange beauty about them like most spiders...however I must say from recent experience that to wake up at two in the morning to a tickling sensation only to find one of them upon the bed (after brushing it off me in the dark) can certainly be a somewhat freaky experience. Still no harm done to me or the spider and after a quick trip in a plastic cup to the far reaches of the backyard we were both able to continue on with our lives (I'm sure he laughed it off as much as I did!!).

    Paul J

  6. hello Paul,

    thank you for sharing your spider tale. I smiled, as well as shuddered.

    I don't tolerate spiders in my home, except the odd Daddy Long Legs hanging around the corners. I have never found a Wolf Spider inside, but I give the occasional Huntsman the "cup" treatment and send him packing up the backyard too.


  7. Just trying to identify a Wolf Spider and came on to your post, thought I'd drop a comment. Nice.

  8. Hello nut, thank you. I also have come across a few different Wolf Spiders that I'd love to identify. I suppose it's odd to call a spider beautiful, but the wolf spiders have quite an appeal.

